COVID-19: Frequently Asked Questions for Consultants

Answers may be revised from time to time. The validity and applicable time period of the answers are subject to ADB’s review on a case by case basis.

Is COVID19 a force-majeure event and/or grounds for suspending or terminating a contract?

For some contracts, COVID-19 may be considered a force-majeure if:

  1. The contract was signed before WHO declared the pandemic on [date]
  2. The extent of the disruptions were not predictable.

Whether or not notification of force majeure leads to suspension or termination of the contract depends on the nature of the assignment. A desk-based assignment in the consultant’s home country is unlikely to be affected.

After travelling for ADB on mission due to COVID-19,

(a) I’m forced to change my travel routing Provide ADB with evidence of costs and request variation to travel conditions.
(b) I’m Quarantined in the country of my normal residence No compensation will be provided.
(c) I’m Quarantined in the mission country or third country (transit country) Provide ADB with evidence of costs and request variation to contract. If you are not doing ADB work during quarantine, you not eligible for Remuneration, but may be eligible for additional per diem to compensate quarantine (currently not exceeding 14 days).
(d) I’m Legally unable to return to my home country/place of residence Contact your embassy/ consulate/ Ministry of Foreign Affairs (or equivalent) and request assistance. Provide evidence of being denied entry to your home country to ADB with estimates of costs.
(e) I lost work, income opportunity or suffered other type of consequential loss as a result of one of the above? ADB will not compensate for lost income or other type of consequential loss.

Does ADB insurance cover me for a,b,c,d.e above?

No. ADB insurance scope is limited to medical insurance (covering health, disability and death) of directly engaged individual consultants

I am due to go on mission but am feeling unwell. Should I travel?

Don’t travel. Consult with medical professional and advise ADB of your health condition.

What happens if I become sick when on ADB mission?

Seek medical assistance and inform ADB and the insurer. If you are an individual consultant directly engaged by ADB, you are covered by Cigna insurance.

I have an existing contract with ADB which involves international travel. What should I do?

Request confirmation from ADB project officer or an authorized ADB representative named in the contract that your travel is (i) mission critical, (ii) essential, (iii) not subject to any known travel restrictions/ quarantine regulations. The consent shall be in written form and confirmed by an authorized ADB representative named in your contract If confirmed as above, register your trip on travel tracker.

How to use TravelTracker

There are 2 apps with corporate subscription that ADB Consultants can download:

  1. Everbridge – once downloaded from AppStore/ Google Store, choose Asian Development Bank. The ADB Emergency Alert - Everbridge application. The Everbridge platform enables a multifaceted approach (GSM calls and text messages, email, mobile app push alerts, and social media) to emergency communications. The ADB Security and Emergency Services has adopted the Everbridge platform as the principal means of conducting welfare checks and disseminating emergency updates and instructions during acute events. 
  2. The ISOS application, which allows users to access travel medical information, via use of ADB’s corporate account: 16AECM000001.

I have travelled without a contract. Am I entitled to ADB insurance?


I have travelled without a contract and got stuck under quarantine. Am I entitled to ADB compensation?


I am due to travel to a country as an ADB consultant. My country advises against non-essential travel or I am otherwise concerned about travelling. What should I do?

Don’t travel. Advise ADB. Consider restructuring the scope of work to be performed remotely. If remote work is not possible, request variation of contract condition.