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ADB has approved a $20 million financing package to improve access to drinking water, irrigation services, and strengthening of climate resilience in Thimphu and the districts of Zhemgang and Wangdue Phodrang in Bhutan.
ADB has approved a $62.9 million package to help Cambodia enhance food security and promote inclusive economic growth by improving livestock health and value chains, and the formal trade of livestock and livestock products.
ADB has approved a $100 million loan to help improve technical and vocational education and training in Punjab province in Pakistan and ensure skills training meets the demand for jobs in the country’s priority economic sectors.
ADB and the Government of Solomon Islands have signed concessional loan and grant agreements amounting to $10 million to help the recovery from COVID-19.
ADB and DEG signed a cooperation arrangement towards the cofinancing of private sector investments in ADB’s developing member countries to support Sustainable Development Goals targets.
Азиатский банк развития (АБР) одобрил грант в размере 50 миллионов долларов США для оказания помощи Правительству Таджикистана в повышении стабильности банковского сектора, развитии небанковского финансового сектора...
ADB has approved a $50 million grant to help the Government of Tajikistan enhance banking sector stability, boost the nonbanking finance sector, and strengthen fiscal management.
ADB has signed a €10.8 million facility agreement with Envoy to support and finance the purchase of energy efficient spinning machinery and other equipment to expand textile production and generate local jobs.
Өнөөдөр Азийн Хөгжлийн Банк (АХБ), “Улаанбаатар гурил” ХХК (УБГ ХХК), “Таван Богд Фүүдс” ХХК (ТБФ ХХК) болон “Таван Богд Фүүдс Пизза” ХХК (ТБФ Пизза ХХК) хамтран Монгол Улсын хүнсний хангамж, ажлын...
Asian Development Bank (ADB) telah menyetujui pinjaman senilai $138,52 juta untuk mendukung strategi Pemerintah Indonesia dalam komersialisasi riset dan inovasi, serta meningkatkan keberhasilan perusahaan rintisan...