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ADB signed a financing package of up to $8.39 million with Nephrocare Health Services Central Asia to establish four dialysis centers as part of a PPP arrangement to enhance health care service delivery in Uzbekistan.
Asian Development Bank (ADB) telah menyetujui pinjaman senilai $93 juta untuk memajukan budidaya udang bagi peternak kecil di tujuh provinsi di Indonesia.
Economic growth in the Pacific will rebound in 2022–2023, according to the latest issue of the Asian Development Bank’s Pacific Economic Monitor.
ADB has approved a sector development program, which combines a $50 million policy-based loan package with $23 million in project investments to support the energy transition of Cambodia.
ADB has approved a $93 million loan to enhance shrimp farming by smallholder farmers in seven provinces in Indonesia.
ທະນາຄານພັດທະນາອາຊີ (ADB) ຍັງຄົງຮັກສາການຄາດຄະເນການເຕີບໂຕທາງດ້ານເສດຖະກິດ ຂອງສາທາລະນະລັດ ປະຊາທິປະໄຕ ປະຊາຊົນລາວ (ສປປ ລາວ), ໃນຂະນະທີ່ການຄາດຄະເນ ອັດຕາເງິນເຟີ້ ທີ່ສູງຂຶ້ນ, ອີງຕາມບົດລາຍງານເພີ້ມເຕີ້ມ...
ADB is maintaining its economic growth forecast for the Lao PDR, while the outlook for consumer prices has worsened, according to the Asian Development Outlook (ADO) 2022 Supplement released today.
The Philippine economy is forecast to grow faster than previously expected in 2022, supported by stronger-than-expected domestic demand spurred by rising employment and a recovery in tourism, according to an ADB report.
ADB and the Government of Papua New Guinea (PNG) today signed two loans to fund improvements to air services in PNG.
14 Dec 2022
ADB, PNG Sign $66 Million to Boost Technical and Vocational Education and Skills Training
ADB and the Government of Papua New Guinea today signed loan and grant agreements amounting to more than $66 million to help improve the country’s technical and vocational education and training program.