Corporate and Thematic Evaluation

Corporate and Thematic Evaluation extract and aggregate data and information on a specific theme, e.g., nongovernment and civil society organizations, participation, governance, gender, environment, capacity building. This may involve different modalities, sectors, or countries.

  • 16 Sep 2022

    Corporate Evaluation of ADB’s Investment and Credit Risk Management of Nonsovereign Operations (2009–2021)

    ONGOING EVALUATION. ADB’s Independent Evaluation Department (IED) will undertake an examination of ADB's investment and credit risk management of NSO covering the period 2009–2021. The evaluation will seek to assess the relevance and effectiveness of ADB’s investment and credit risk management policies, processes, tools, systems, and organization.
  • 5 May 2022

    Evaluation of ADB’s Procurement System, 2014–2021

    ONGOING EVALUATION. This evaluation approach paper sets out a methodology to assess the relevance and effectiveness of the reforms introduced by ADB’s Procurement Policy Framework (PPF).  The evaluation comes after 5 years of PPF implementation. Findings on its first 5 years (2017– 2021) of implementation can provide valuable insights to its potential long-term effectiveness and the space to make timely course corrections in its content, approach, and implementation where necessary.
  • 21 Apr 2022

    Evaluation of ADB Support for the Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation Program, 2011–2022

    ONGOING EVALUATION. This evaluation will assess the performance and results of Asian Development Bank (ADB) support for the Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation (CAREC) Program during 2011–2022. The evaluation will assess both ADB support for the functioning of the CAREC Program, mainly the role of the CAREC Secretariat, and ADB financing of CAREC operations.
  • Additionality of the Asian Development Bank’s Nonsovereign Operations
    30 Mar 2022

    Additionality of the Asian Development Bank’s Nonsovereign Operations

     The evaluation analyzed the additionality of ADB’s nonsovereign operations (NSO) and reviewed ADB’s strategies, programs of assistance and their outcomes. The Independent Evaluation Department (IED) examined ADB's additionality in NSO covering the period 2008–2020. 
  • One ADB: An Evaluation of ADB’s Approach to Delivering Strategy 2030
    8 Feb 2022

    One ADB: An Evaluation of ADB’s Approach to Delivering Strategy 2030

    Strategy 2030 explicitly defined in 2018 the One ADB approach, committing to reinforce the uneven but increasing efforts to promote collaboration under implementation since at least 2010. ADB is now undertaking further initiatives on RMs’ role, cultural transformation, and integration of sovereign and nonsovereign operations, complementing past reforms of knowledge operations and departments.
  • Evaluation of ADB Support for the Greater Mekong Subregion Program, 2012–2020
    8 Dec 2021

    Evaluation of ADB Support for the Greater Mekong Subregion Program, 2012–2020

    The evaluation assessed the performance and results of ADB support for the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) Program during 2012–2020.
  • ADB Support for Action on Climate Change, 2011–2020
    29 Sep 2021

    ADB Support for Action on Climate Change, 2011–2020

    The last decade has been profound for climate impacts in the Asia and Pacific region and globally, bringing home the reality of the climate crisis. For many of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) developing member countries (DMCs), and the Pacific and atoll nations in particular, the climate crisis poses an existential threat.
  • ADB Support for Public–Private Partnerships, 2009–2019
    27 Oct 2020

    ADB Support for Public–Private Partnerships, 2009–2019

    With increased urbanization, an acceleration in the pace of economic change, and increased demands on government budgets, growing infrastructure deficits have emerged in many of Asian Development Bank (ADB) developing member countries (DMCs). Due to both historical underinvestment and poor maintenance of existing infrastructure assets, new solutions are being sought as countries seek to attract the private sector to address this infrastructure investment gap.
  • Knowledge Solutions for Development: An Evaluation of ADB’s Readiness for Strategy 2030
    29 Jul 2020

    Knowledge Solutions for Development: An Evaluation of ADB’s Readiness for Strategy 2030

    In 1966, the Asian Development Bank (ADB) was created to foster economic growth and cooperation in Asia and the Pacific. The past five decades have seen remarkable progress in this endeavor, with economic growth leading to a precipitous drop in poverty in Asia and the Pacific. Most developing member countries have now left low-income status.
  • Effectiveness of the 2009 Safeguard Policy Statement
    15 May 2020

    Effectiveness of the 2009 Safeguard Policy Statement

    The Asia and the Pacific region has experienced tremendous economic growth and progress towards poverty reduction; however, this remains associated with serious and increasingly complex social and environmental challenges including global challenges. Protecting the environment and people from widening inequalities, including increased vulnerabilities due to climate change events and acute impacts from climate induced disasters, is more important than ever.
