Board Code of Conduct, Ethics Committee and Procedures, and Associated Guidelines

Institutional Document | June 2021

This sets out the code of conduct for Directors, Alternate Directors and the President of the Asian Development Bank, and related procedures and guidelines.

This code of conduct has been adopted by the Board of Directors of ADB to set forth principles and ethical standards for the Directors, Alternate Directors, Temporary Alternate Directors, and the President in connection with, or having a bearing upon, their status and responsibilities in ADB.

As the Directors, Alternate Directors, and the President are entrusted with responsibilities as prescribed in the Charter, By-Laws, and related documents of ADB, their personal and professional conduct must comply with the standards and procedures set forth herein.


  • Amendment History
  • Code of Conduct
  • Ethics Committee and Procedures
  • Guidelines on the Application of the Code of Conduct

Additional Details

  • ADB administration and governance

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