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Asian Development Bank and Georgia: Fact Sheet
The Government of Georgia has taken steps to deregulate the economy, streamline bureaucracy, and combat corruption. ADB began its partnership with Georgia in 2007 and is one of the country's largest multilateral development partners.
Asian Development Bank and Hong Kong, China: Fact Sheet
Hong Kong, China joined ADB in 1969. It has provided $809.1 million in capital subscription to ADB. It has also contributed and committed $148.89 million to Special Funds since becoming a member.
Asian Development Bank and Kiribati: Fact Sheet
ADB assistance to Kiribati will focus on long-term investments to improve water supply, outer-island maritime infrastructure, renewable energy, disaster-resilient programs, and health infrastructure and system improvement programs.
Asian Development Bank and Nauru: Fact Sheet
ADB’s recent assistance to Nauru helped address the country’s considerable infrastructure needs, improve service delivery, strengthen fiscal sustainability, and enhance the performance of state-owned enterprises.
Asian Development Bank and Palau: Fact Sheet
To support sustainable recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, ADB is focusing its assistance in Palau on improving public sector performance and promoting private sector development.
Asian Development Bank and Solomon Islands: Fact Sheet
ADB's planned support for Solomon Islands aligns with the government’s strategic focus on increased infrastructure development, tax reform, prudent financial management, and strengthening basic health services and education.
Asian Development Bank and Tuvalu: Fact Sheet
ADB’s assistance program in Tuvalu will focus on improving outer-island port facilities, building disaster resilience, and scaling up access to renewable energy sources.
Asian Development Bank and Vanuatu: Fact Sheet
ADB’s assistance to Vanuatu will continue to support ongoing investments to improve transport connectivity, energy access, and urban development.
Asian Development Bank and Sweden: Fact Sheet
Sweden is a founding member of ADB. It has provided $505.53 million in capital subscription to ADB. It has also contributed and committed $535.66 million to Special Funds since becoming a member.
Asian Development Bank and Switzerland: Fact Sheet
Switzerland joined ADB in 1967. It has provided $867.04 million in capital subscription to ADB. It has also contributed and committed $449.91 million to Special Funds since becoming a member.