MANILA, PHILIPPINES (21 February 2022) — The Asian Development Bank (ADB) needs to ensure greater collaboration across its organization to meet the thematic goals of its corporate strategy, Strategy 2030, says a report released today.
The report, Evaluation of the One ADB Approach, prepared by ADB’s Independent Evaluation Department (IED) reviews the merits and challenges of collaboration within ADB.
“There are many initiatives under the One ADB umbrella to help ensure that ADB is delivering integrated solutions to its developing member countries, regardless of sector, thematic, or regional silos,” said IED Director General Emmanuel Jimenez. “The report suggests ways to enhance their effectiveness through complementary measures and greater coordination.”
The report found, for example, that public and private sector support would be more effective with more upstream diagnostic work on private sector projects, rather than on joint transactions. It also found that private sector staff engagement in planning programs and client dialogue could be scaled up to achieve better outcomes. While there are good initiatives to address the integration of knowledge in ADB’s operational work, the incentives embedded in these systems are what will determine whether behaviors will change.
“Operationally, the delivery of financing and services could use a stronger focal point at the country level by further empowering ADB’s country directors,” said ADB Principal Evaluation Specialist Linda Adams, one of the report’s main authors.
About Independent Evaluation at ADB
ADB's Independent Evaluation, reporting to the Board of Directors through the Development Effectiveness Committee, contributes to development effectiveness by providing feedback on ADB's policies, strategies, operations, and special concerns in Asia and the Pacific.