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  • 29 Aug 2008

    Caring for the Children of the Poor

    An early childhood development project is making sure that children from poor families grow up bright and healthy. Cebu City - Fifty-three-year-old Saludita Buton, or Lola Salud, has 10 children and 8 grandchildren of her own. But, over the last 5 years, she has spent her days babysitting up to five other toddlers and operating a volunteer day-care center for children of poor working mothers. She does this in a space less than 20 square meters in area adjacent to her home in Barangay Catadman in Catmon, Cebu.
  • 10 Mar 2008

    Bridge to Prosperity

    The Jamuna Multipurpose Bridge - the most expensive and technically one of the most challenging transport infrastructure projects ever accomplished in Bangladesh - is a gateway to economic growth and prosperity for millions. Dhaka - A dream came true for 130 million Bangladeshis when, on 23 June 1998, the Jamuna Bridge was opened to traffic.
  • 10 Mar 2008

    Better Access to Water Improves Women's Lives in Pakistan

    Water and sanitation investment projects are empowering women and creating a significant impact on gender relations in rural Pakistan. Punjab - Bashiran Bibi and other women and girls in the rural heartland of Pakistan's most populous province of Punjab used to spend hours everyday collecting and carrying water on their heads in heavy pots. The water often came from uncovered wells, filthy rivers and streams, and stagnant ponds, putting their and their families' health at risk.
  • 10 Mar 2008

    Local Communities Work to Protect Coastal Resources in Papua New Guinea

    NGOs under a pilot ADB project have mobilized some two-dozen shoreline villages to take charge of protecting their marine resources. By trading short-term pain for long-term gain, these villages are beginning to reverse the tide of overexploitation. Kavieng - Two stretches of water reveal much of the story of Papua New Guinea's declining coastal resources - and the efforts by some communities to reverse the trend.
  • 10 Mar 2008

    Training Viet Nam's Future Professionals

    An education project is helping Viet Nam meet the labor demands of its booming economy. Lao Cai - Inside newly built libraries in upper secondary schools in Lao Cai, scores of students can often be found each afternoon, poring over rented books and hunched over their homeworks. The schoolwork is difficult, says Nguyen Thu Trang, but fun. More importantly, it gives the students a chance to fulfill their dreams of going off to college and becoming professionals.
