Annual Evaluation Reviews

Annual Evaluation Reviews outline evaluation activities in each preceding year, summarize the performance of ADB's sovereign projects and programs based on evaluations, and draw lessons to guide operations.

  • 16 Aug 2022 | Evaluation Document

    2023 Annual Evaluation Review: What Explains ADB’s Project Performance, 2016–2022

    ONGOING EVALUATION: The Annual Evaluation Review (AER) provides the Asian Development Bank’s (ADB) Board, Management, and other stakeholders with an independent, high-level perspective on development effectiveness based on findings and evidence from the Independent Evaluation Department’s (IED) evaluations and validations of ADB’s self-evaluation reports. 
  • 2022 Annual Evaluation Review: Fragile and Conflict-Affected Situations and Small Island Developing States
    12 Apr 2022 | Evaluation Document

    2022 Annual Evaluation Review: Fragile and Conflict-Affected Situations and Small Island Developing States

    The spread of the coronavirus disease (COVID‐19) continues to impact the world including Asian Development Bank (ADB) member countries. Amid the pandemic, ADB continues to support its member countries in addressing the impact of COVID‐19. This year’s Annual Evaluation Review (AER) provides an update on the Independent Evaluation Department’s (IED) assessment of ADB’s development effectiveness based on findings and evidence from IED’s work.
  • 2021 Annual Evaluation Review: Supporting the Sustainable Development Goals
    14 Apr 2021 | Evaluation Document

    2021 Annual Evaluation Review: Supporting the Sustainable Development Goals

    The rapid spread of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in 2020, the largest pandemic in more than a century, triggered severe public health and economic crises across the world including in Asian Development Bank’s (ADB) member countries. Over the course of the year, ADB’s dominant operations focused on crisis response, supporting its member countries contain the spread of the disease and protect the vulnerable.
  • 2020 Annual Evaluation Review: ADB’s Project Level Self-Evaluation System
    24 Apr 2020 | Evaluation Document

    2020 Annual Evaluation Review: ADB’s Project Level Self-Evaluation System

    The Annual Evaluation Review (AER) is the flagship report of the Independent Evaluation Department (IED) on the operational performance and results of the Asian Development Bank (ADB). This is an important year for the AER as it marks the first full year of Strategy 2030’s implementation. The AER provides a synthesis of the evaluations prepared by IED in the preceding year, updates performance trends, and draws lessons and offers recommendations to guide ongoing and future operations.
  • 2019 Annual Evaluation Review: Performance and Scorecards
    16 Apr 2019 | Evaluation Document

    2019 Annual Evaluation Review: Performance and Scorecards

    The 2019 Annual Evaluation Review (AER) comes in the midst of two important tasks following the approval of Strategy 2030 in 2018: the preparation of a new corporate results framework for the first half of Strategy 2030’s 12-year implementation period (2019–2024), and the formulation of the seven key operational priority plans (2019–2030). Strategy 2030 represents an important milestone and has created great expectations, but the new strategic goals and directions that it sets out still need to be properly operationalized.
  • 2018 Annual Evaluation Review
    16 Apr 2018 | Evaluation Document

    2018 Annual Evaluation Review

    The 2018 Annual Evaluation Review (AER) adds new perspectives to the development effectiveness discussion in two areas. First, it introduces a new section on ADB’s development results by distilling key findings from its high-level evaluations to analyze changes that have taken place due to ADB’s interventions, particularly achievements in the institution’s strategic agendas, drivers of growth, and country programs.
  • 2017 Annual Evaluation Review
    12 Apr 2017 | Evaluation Document

    2017 Annual Evaluation Review

    The 2017 Annual Evaluation Review (AER) comes at an important juncture for ADB, as it strengthens its position as a knowledge bank and learning institution. The work on the 2017 AER was undertaken as ADB was readying Strategy 2030, its long-term corporate framework. The AER provides an independent perspective of ADB’s performance based on the systematic assessment of ADB strategies, sectors, and operations. It informs on whether ADB’s initiatives made a difference in addressing the pressing development challenges in Asia and the Pacific.
  • 2016 Annual Evaluation Review
    12 Apr 2016 | Evaluation Document

    2016 Annual Evaluation Review

    The report assesses the performance of ADB operations based on findings of recent evaluations, and draws out the priorities for ADB in coming years. It also reviews the institution’s efforts to achieve environmentally sustainable growth and to implement evaluation recommendations.
  • 2015 Annual Evaluation Review
    17 Apr 2015 | Evaluation Document

    2015 Annual Evaluation Review

    This report examines ADB’s operational performance in 2014 and follow-up to evaluation recommendations. This report focuses on urban water supply and sanitation operations in a series of sustainability analysis.
  • 2014 Annual Evaluation Review
    23 Jun 2014 | Evaluation Document

    2014 Annual Evaluation Review

    This report examines ADB's operational performance in 2013 and the follow-up to evaluation recommendations. It also reviews recent evaluations and offers analysis, lessons and suggestions for operations and strategy development.
