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ADB and Civil Society

ADB cooperates with a broad range of civil society organizations (CSOs), including nongovernment organizations (NGOs), to strengthen its efforts to reduce poverty and increase the effectiveness, quality, and sustainability of its operations.

Activities with CSOs

  • 10 February 2022 Civil Society Engagement for Development Effectiveness

    ADB, the African Development Bank, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Inter-American Development Bank and the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) jointly organized a capacity building session on “Civil Society Engagement for Development Effectiveness” for all multilateral development bank staff, to be held on 23-24 February 2022, 8:00 p.m. GMT+8. The event will demonstrate how multilateral development banks can work more proactively with civil society organizations and the local communities they serve, as well as strengthen their staff’s capacity to mainstream civil society engagement in their work. Learn more about the event.

  • 3 May 2021 ADB Management meets with civil society orgranizations

    President Masatsugu Asakawa met on 3 May 2021 with representatives of civil society organizations (CSOs) for a dialogue on how ADB and CSOs can collaborate toward resilient and green recovery for the region. In his message, the President acknowledged the significant roles of CSOs in COVID-19 responses and their engagement in ADB's operations and policy work in the last 12 months. The discussion, attended by 811 participants, focused on ADB's directions on addressing climate change, promoting clean energy and strengthening ADB's engagement with CSOs on these issues. Watch the video recording.

  • 25 February 2021 Engaging the youth in anticorruption initiatives

    ADB and OECD’s Anti-Corruption Initiative held a seminar on engaging youth in the corruption fight for over 80 Asia-Pacific anticorruption officials on 25 February 2021. The event was held in partnership with the Independent Commission Against Corruption of Hong Kong, China, and is the second of a four-part capacity development series.

  • 8 February 2021 DOLE Graduation Program: Building Resilience in the Philippines through Sustainable Livelihoods

    COVID-19 brought major disruptions into the livelihoods of Filipinos especially in poor households and communities. ADB and Philippines Department of Labor and Employment, with technical support from BRAC, implemented a graduation pilot project that builds resilience by providing the participating households with a comprehensive and sequenced set of interventions in livelihoods promotion, social protection, financial inclusion, and social empowerment. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the households with food production livelihoods were able to feed their own family as well as supplied the community when the local markets were closed during the lockdown. The robust monitoring and remote check-in via phone enabled quick assessment and support to the evolving vulnerabilities of the households in two municipalities and three cities in Negros Occidental. Watch the video on Youtube

  • 27 January 2021 A Journey of Growth and Transformation: The DOLE Graduation Approach Project

    The graduation approach is an innovation in social protection that builds on a foundation of social assistance with a holistic set of poverty reduction interventions aimed at tackling multiple facets of poverty. The Philippines Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE), in partnership with the ADB and with technical support from BRAC, implemented a graduation pilot project targeting 1,800 poor households in Negros Occidental, which was underpinned by a research agenda including a randomized control trial. Watch the video on YouTube

  • 17 August 2020 Asia Pacific Youth Symposium discusses the new normal post COVID-19

    VP Bambang Susantono on 12 August 2020 delivered the opening remarks of the Asia Pacific Youth Symposium (APYS) celebrating International Youth Day. APYS is a series of knowledge sessions on youth economic empowerment and the 'new normal' impacted by the coronavirus pandemic. More than 700 registered participants interacted via Zoom in the first session, with an additional of about 2,500 joining via Facebook Live from across 40 countries. 

  • 20 May 2020 ADB hosts webinar to address LGBTI data gap

    ADB's NGO and Civil Society Center hosted on 20 May 2020, a virtual panel event on the LGBTI data gap. The webinar was part of a joint collaboration with the World Bank, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, and Inter-American Development Bank to commemorate the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia (IDAHOTB). The panel featured academics and civil society representatives who are knowledge and practice leaders on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI) inclusion in Asia and the Pacific Region. They discussed how difficulties in identifying and accessing LGBTI populations can be avoided, and emphasized the importance of using appropriate language to ensure accurate and inclusive data collection.

  • 17 April 2020 Mongolia Resident Mission holds virtual consultation on proposed gender projects with CSOs

    On 17 April 2020, Mongolia Resident Mission facilitated a consultation meeting with six CSOs to obtain their views on the preliminary scope of the proposed additional financing to Japan Fund for Poverty Reduction-financed grant on Combating Domestic Violence Against Women and Children. The consultation also sought CSO views on the proposed emergency technical assistance to prevent and address domestic violence in light of the pandemic. The CSOs noted the increased cases of domestic violence in Q1 2020 due to COVID-19 and highlighted the need for public awareness raising, legal and psychological counselling for survivors, and behavior change communications for perpetrators.

  • 14 March 2020 Uzbekistan's Khorezm Rural Advisory Support Service conducts training on livestock value chain development

    With support from the ADB’s Uzbekistan Resident Mission, the Khorezm Rural Advisory Support Service (KRASS), a nongovernment organization, held a meeting with farmers and entrepreneurs on 14 March 2020 to raise awareness about ADB’s Livestock Value Chain Development Project. The initiative seeks to build farmers’ capacity in maximizing their profits from livestock farming. 

  • 21 December 2019 Civil Society Advisory Committee established in ADB Mongolia Resident Mission

    On 21 December 2019, ADB's Mongolia Resident Mission established a Civil Society Advisory Committee (CAC) to facilitate civil society engagement in country programming and the development of ADB and Mongolia’s Country Partnership Strategy (CPS) for 2021-2024. The CAC comprises 7 members representing major CSO networks and alliances, operating in sectors that are relevant to ADB operations in Mongolia. The CAC shall serve as a key mechanism to share information with CSOs, organize consultation processes on specific projects, utilize capacity building products, and ensure that CSO views are represented during CPS development.



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By HQ Departments

You may contact NGO and Civil Society focal points by selecting a department from the dropdown.

For queries related to Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan

Aida SATYLGANOVA (Ms)Social Development Specialist (Resettlement),   E-mail
Mary Alice ROSERO (Ms)Social Development Specialist (Gender and Development),   E-mail

For queries related to People's Republic of China; Hong Kong, China; Republic of Korea; Mongolia; and Taipei,China

Tsolmon BEGZSUREN (Ms)Social Development Specialist (Gender and Development)  E-mail

For queries related to Cook Islands, Republic of Fiji, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Nauru, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu, and Vanuatu

Taniela FALETAU (Mr)Safeguards Specialist  E-mail
Maria Ava Golda A. DESTURA (Ms)Safeguards Analyst(Alternate)  E-mail
Beatrice Y. GOMEZ (Ms)Safeguards Specialist    E-mail

For queries related to Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, and Sri Lanka

Francesco TORNIERI (Mr) Principal Social Development Specialist (Gender and Development)   E-mail

For queries related to Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand, Timor-Leste, and Viet Nam

Pinsuda ALEXANDER (Ms) Economist (Regional Cooperation)   E-mail

By Country and Regional Offices

You may contact NGO and Civil Society focal points by selecting a country from the dropdown.
Anushik AVETYAN (Ms)Consultant  E-mail
Sabina JAFAROVA (Ms)Project Officer  E-mail
Gobinda BAR (Mr)Senior External Relations Officer  E-mail
Nidup TSHERING (Mr)Senior Social Development Officer   E-mail
Kongkea CHHOEUN (Mr)Programs Officer  E-mail
Sivou Beatrice OLSSON (Ms)Senior Country Coordination Officer  E-mail
Lily Anne F. HOMASI (Ms)Senior Economic Office (and Country Team Lead)  E-mail
Teupoko L. TAMASenior Country Officer  E-mail
Erik AELBERS (Mr)Country Specialist  E-mail
Sivou Beatrice OLSSON (Ms)Senior Country Coordination Officer  E-mail
Tea PAPUASHVILI (Ms)Operations Assistant  E-mail
Rajesh K. DEOL (Mr)Senior External Relations Officer  E-mail
Naning MARDINIAH (Ms)Senior Safeguards Officer (Resettlement)  E-mail
Cahyadi INDRANANTO (Mr)Senior External Relations Officer  E-mail
Asem CHAKENOVA (Ms)Associate Project Officer (Infrastructure)  E-mail
Aliya IBADILDINA (Ms)External Relations Officer (Alternate)  E-mail
Shiu Raj SINGH (Mr) Senior Public Management Officer (Kiribati)   E-mail
Aliman TEMIRBEK (Ms)Project Officer  E-mail
Souphavanh PHONMANY (Ms)External Relations Coordinator  E-mail
Vongphet SOUKHAVONGSA (Mr)Safeguards Officer  E-mail
Ellen MILNE (Ms)ADB Liaison Officer  E-mail
Mason ALBERT (Mr)ADB Liaison Officer  E-mail
Itgel LONJID (Ms)Senior Social Sector Officer  E-mail
Declan MAGEE (Mr)Senior Country Economist (Alternate)   E-mail
Sann OO (Mr)External Relations Officer  E-mail
Camilla SOLOMON (Ms)ADB Development Coordination Officer  E-mail
Binita Shah KHADKASenior External Relations Officer  E-mail
Munir ABRO (Mr) Senior Project Officer (Health and Rural Development)   E-mail
Alfonsa KOSHIBA (Ms) ADB Liaison Officer   E-mail
Jack STANLEY (Mr) Safeguards Officer   E-mail
Ganiga GANIGA (Ms) Senior Project Officer (Infrastructure)   E-mail
Grace KORUA (Ms) Associate Project Analyst (Alternate)   E-mail
Li NING (Mr) Senior Environment Officer   E-mail
Rosemarie MARQUEZ (Ms) Senior External Relations Officer   E-mail
Maria MELEI (Ms) Senior Country Coordination Officer (Samoa)   E-mail
Dalcy Lagoni TOZAKA (Ms)Senior Country Coordination Officer  E-mail
Sudarshana A. JAYASUNDARA(Ms) Social Development Officer   E-mail
Tatiana EVSTIFEEVA (Ms) Associate External Relations Officer   E-mail
Farrukh NURIDDINOV (Mr) Senior Project Officer (Alternate)   E-mail
Roykaew NITITHANPRAPAS (Ms) Senior External Relations Officer   E-mail
Elsty DAVIDZ-MORATO (Ms) Social Development Officer (Gender)   E-mail
Balwyn FAOTUSIA (Ms) Senior Country Officer   E-mail
Jennet HOJANAZAROVA (Ms) Senior Economics Officer   E-mail
Sivou Beatrice OLSSON (Ms)Senior Country Coordination Officer  E-mail
Letasi Lulai Development Coordination Officer (Tuvalu)  E-mail
Feruza INSAVALIEVA (Ms) Associate Safeguards Officer   E-mail
Nancy WELLS (Ms)Senior Country Coordination Officer  E-mail
Giang Thanh NGUYEN (Ms)Senior Social Development Officer (Gender)  E-mail
Micronesia, Federated States of: Mason ALBERT (Mr)ADB Liaison Officer  E-mail
Palau: Alfonsa KOSHIBA (Ms) ADB Liaison Officer   E-mail
Marshall Islands: Ellen MILNE (Ms)ADB Liaison Officer  E-mail
Nauru: Camilla SOLOMON (Ms)ADB Development Coordination Officer  E-mail
Solomon Islands: Dalcy Lagoni TOZAKA (Ms)Senior Country Coordination Officer  E-mail
Vanuatu: Nancy WELLS (Ms)Senior Country Coordination Officer  E-mail
Cook Islands: Sivou Beatrice OLSSON (Ms)Senior Country Coordination Officer  E-mail
Cook Islands: Patricia TUARA (Ms)Coordination and Administration Officer  E-mail
Fiji and Tuvalu: Erik AELBERS (Mr)Country Specialist  E-mail
Fiji and Tuvalu: Sivou Beatrice OLSSON (Ms)Senior Country Coordination Officer  E-mail
Kiribati: Shiu Raj SINGH (Mr) Senior Public Managmeent Officer   E-mail
Samoa: Maria MELEI (Ms) Senior Country Coordination Officer   E-mail
Tonga: Tatafu MOEAKI (Ms) Senior Country Coordination Officer   E-mail
Tuvalu: Sivou Beatrice OLSSON (Ms)Senior Country Coordination Officer  E-mail
Tuvalu: Letasi LULAI (Ms)Development Coordination Officer  E-mail

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