The AEW is a leading evaluation knowledge sharing and learning platform in the Asia and Pacific region. In the last 6 years, the event has established itself as a highly relevant forum for promoting knowledge and partnerships to advance evaluation and development effectiveness at the national, regional, and international levels.
The AEW is jointly sponsored by the Ministry of Finance, PRC through the Asia-Pacific Finance and Development Institute (AFDI) and the Asian Development Bank’s Independent Evaluation Department (IED).
The 2021 AEW, conducted virtually, held, 22 thematic sessions and 4 learning day sessions and gathered more than 95 speakers from 130 organizations, and participants representing 120 countries.
Theme, date, and location
The theme for the 2022 AEW is Reframing Evaluation for Green, Inclusive, and Resilient Recovery.
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to spread and with many countries still keeping a cautious outlook in economic development, the 2022 AEW theme sets the tone for forging ahead in a post pandemic world.
Sessions for the 2022 AEW are organized around the following identified subthemes:
Subtheme 1: Innovating and Retooling Evaluation Towards Resilient Recovery
Subtheme 2: Driving Collective Actions on Country-based Evaluation
Subtheme 3: Influential Evidence-based Evaluation for Green, Healthy, and Inclusive Societies
The event will be held virtually from 13 to 15 September 2022.
Who can attend?
Government officials, representatives of international organizations, and evaluation experts interested to exchange knowledge, experience and the latest thinking and innovation in evaluation.
How to register
Register now to join this virtual event.
Follow us on our AEW website, Facebook and Twitter for real-time updates.